Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest
Royal Arch Masons of Tennessee
William Henry Blackwell
William Henry Blackwell
Born August 31, 1888, Paint Rock, North Carolina. Son of Zachriah Carson and Josephine Lamb Blackwell. Educated in various schools of North Carolina.
For a number of years he has been auditor of the E.T. & W. N C. Railroad Company and
superintendent of E. T. & W. N. C. Railroad Company, with headquarters at Johnson City.
He was married on December 5, 1912, to Miss Lucy Willard Smart, at Marshall, North Carolina,
and to this union have been born two sons, Henry Smart and Guy Willard, and one daughter Alma Lucile.
He is a deacon in the Watauga Avenue Presbyterian Church of Johnson City.
He was raised a Master Mason, May 17, 1913, in Easter Star Lodge No. 425, Green Mountain,
N.C. served as Junior Warden in 1914 and Master in 1915. In 1917 he affiliated with Mystic Tie
Lodge No. 297 at Marion, N.C. and on March 4, 1919, affiliated with Johnson City Lodge No. 486, serving as Senior Warden in 1928 and Master in 1929.
He was exalted in Bald Creek Chapter No. 56, Swiss, N.C., on July 14, 1914, and affiliated
on April 8, 1919 with Thomas E Matson chapter No. 131, at Johnson City, serving as High Priest 1923. He received the Order of High Priesthood, in January 1923.
He was greeted in Erwin Council No. 97 on October 12, 1925, and in 1930 became a charter
member and first Illustrious Master of Holston Council No. 101 of Johnson City.
He was knighted in Watauga Commandery No. 25 of Johnson City, on April 17, 1919, and served as Commander in 1923.
He is a charter member of Nolachucky Chapter No. 194, Order of the Eastern Star, of Johnson
He is a member of Kerbela Shrine Temple of Knoxville.
He was elected Excellent Grand Master of the First Veil of the Grand Royal Arch chapter of
Tennessee, January 29,l 1929. He attended the Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter at Tacoma as proxy of the Grand King in 1930, and at Washington in 1933 as Grand Scribe.
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100 Seventh Avenue North Suite #3
Nashville, TN 37203-3726