Most Illustrious Past Grand Master
Cryptic Masons of Tennessee
Nick Ramos
Nick Ramos
Nick Raul Ramos was born in New York City, New York on December 1, 1938 to parents Dominick Ramos and Marie Santiago. Brother Ramos was educated in the New York City public schools, Joined the United States Coast Guard in 1956 and later went on to a career with the Suffolk County Police Department where he retired in 1982. Brother Ramos married Clara Marie Smith on May 15, 1982 in Port Jefferson New York where they went on to have 7 children. Brother Ramos attended Saint Mary’s of the Seven Sorrows R.C in Nashville.
Brother Ramos was raised to the sublime degree of master Mason on April 19, 1979. He was a member of Suffolk Lodge #60 in New York, and Joppa Lodge #411 in Gladeville Tennessee. Brother Ramos received the Royal Arch Degree on November 18, 1980 at Suwassett Chapter #195 in Medford New York. He later became a member of Lebanon Chapter #25 in Lebanon Tennessee. He was Consecrated and set apart as a member of the Order anointed High Priests on March 20, 1989. Brother Ramos became a member of Cryptic Masonry on March 26, 1983 at Suffolk Council #76 in Bayshore New York. He later become a member at Lebanon Council #109 in Tennessee. Brother Ramos recieved the Order of knighthood on February 27, 1982 at Patchogue Commandery #65 in Medford New York. He later become a member of Baldwin Commandrey #7 in Tennessee. Brother Ramos joined Order of the Eastern Star on April 13, 1982 at Suwassett Chapter #407 at Port Jefferson New York, He later became a member of Rose Croix Chapter #95 in Lebanon Tennessee. Brother Ramos received the Consistory Degrees on May 10, 1980 at Rockville Centre New York. Later brother Ramos became a member of Trinity Consistory in Nashville Tennessee. Brother Ramos became Shriner on February 6, 1982 in Kismet New Hyde Park, New York. Later he became a member of Al Menah Shrine in Nashville Tennessee.
Brother Ramos has been an active member of his Lodge serving as Worshipful Master in 1985, and 1989 as well as serving as Secretary starting in 1992. He also served as Associate Patron of Order of the Eastern Star in 1984. Brother Ramos served as Illustrious Grand Conductor of the Council in 1990. He was then elected to Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guard in 1992, advancing each year to Illustrious Grand Principal Conductor of the Work in 1993, and Illustrious Deputy Grand Master in 1994, culminating in being elected Most Illustrious Grand Master of Cryptic Masonry of Tennessee in 1995.
Brother Ramos also achieved other achievements and memberships worthy of note:
K.Y.C.H. Priory #15
Knight Templar Cross of Honour
Order of the Purple Cross
Order of the Silver Trowel
Knight Crusader of the Cross
Martha Ester #3 White Shrine of Jerusalem
Past Patron of Order of Amaranth Parthenon Court #9
Past President Middle Tennessee York Rite Association

More Light being the object
100 Seventh Avenue North Suite #3
Nashville, TN 37203-3726