Most Excellent Past Grand High Priest
Royal Arch Masons of Tennessee
Richard Ronald Petty, Jr.
Richard Ronald Petty, Jr.
Born on August 30, 1967, in Cleveland, Tennessee to Richard Ronald Petty, Sr. and Lela Ruth Petty. Richard was educated in the Hamilton County Public School system. Richard is married to Karen Cothran from Ringgold Georgia.
Brother Richard was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on June 24,
2007, in Chattanooga Lodge No. 199. Brother Petty served as Worshipful Master
consecutive years 2012 and 2013. Worshipful Brother Petty is currently serving as
Lodge Treasurer. In 2014, Worshipful Brother Petty was appointed a member of
the Grand Lodge of Tennessee’s Board of Control.
Companion Petty was exalted in John Bailey Nicklin Chapter No. 49 R.A.M. on
February 22, 2008. In 2012, Companion Petty served as High Priest and received
the Order of High Priesthood. In 2014, Companion Petty was appointed District
Deputy Grand High Priest for District 9.
Companion Petty was greeted in Mount Moriah Council No. 95 C.M. on February
23, 2008. Companion Petty was elected Illustrious Master in 2012 and again in
2017. In March of 2012, Companion Petty received the Order of the Silver
Trowel. In 2012 through 2014, Companion Petty was appointed Personal
Representative for the Most Illustrious Grand Master in District 9. Companion
Petty was appointed Illustrious Grand Chaplin in 2014.
Sir Knight Petty was knighted in Lookout Commandery No.14 on February 23, 2008
and served as Eminent Commander during 2014. Sir Knight Petty received the
Knight Crusader of the Cross in 2014, followed in 2015, the honor of Knight
Commander of the Temple from the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
USA. Sir Knight Petty is a member of Tennessee Priory No.15, Knights of the Cross
of Honor. Sir Knight Petty is a member of Cherokee York Rite College No. 152. In
August 2017, Sir Knight Petty received the Order of the Purple Cross from the York
Rite Sovereign College of North America.
Brother Petty is a member of the Valley of Chattanooga Scottish Rite Bodies. Master of the Royal Secret, Petty is currently serving as Venerable Master, Lodge of Perfection. In 2010, Brother Petty served as the Knight Master of the Knights of Saint Andrew (KSA). In 2015, Brother Petty was invested with the rank of KCCH.
Brother Petty is a member of The Worshipful Society of Free Masons, Rough
Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers, and Bricklayers ‐ The Operatives. He
is a member of Ye Commemorative Order of Saint Thomas of Acon Cornelius
Chapter No. 104. Brother Petty is member of Saint Gregory’s Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, currently holding the office of Puissant Sovereign. He served as Sovereign Master of George Cooper Connor Council Allied Masonic Degrees in
2014. Sir Knight Petty is a member of Knight Commander Chattanooga Asylum
No.2. Brother Petty is a member of the Tennessee College Masonic Societas
Rosicruciana in Civitiatibus Foederatis. He is a member of Holy Manger Tabernacle
No. XLVII Holy Arch Knight Templar Priests. Brother Petty is a member of the
Masonic Order of Athelstan, North Carolina Court No.73 and Tennessee Court No.
122. Brother Petty is also a member of the Tennessee Lodge of Research and the
1861 Civil War Lodge of Research.

More Light being the object
100 Seventh Avenue North Suite #3
Nashville, TN 37203-3726