Right Eminent Past Grand Commander
Knights Templar of Tennessee
Robert B. Beam
Robert B. Beam was born on April 26, 1962, the son of the late Jesse B. and Sue D. Beam, in Knoxville,
Tennessee. He was educated in the Knoxville City Schools, and earned his BA in History from Carson-
Newman College (now University) in 1984. He is married to the former Sharon Bridges, and together
they have three children, Zechariah, Katie, and Eric. Sir Knight Beam taught Social Studies, mainly US
History and Civics, for over thirty years in the Knoxville and Knox County public schools. He and Sharon are of the Methodist faith.
Bro. Beam was raised in Bright Hope Lodge No. 557, F&AM, on November 26, 1985. He served as
Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1996 and 2007, and as Secretary since 2013; he is also the Lodge
Historian. He is a plural member of Woodward Lodge No. 737, JC Baker Lodge No. 720, and Fountain
City Lodge No. 757. He is a holder of the Pin of Excellence.
In the Grand Lodge, Bro. Beam serves as a Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Sweden; he
served as Grand Historian in 2004 and Grand Pursuivant in 2016. He serves on the Grand Lodge
Correspondence Committee and as its chairman since 2008; he has also served on the Grand Lodge
Library Committee. He was District Deputy Chairman for District 20 and was appointed District
Chairman of District 20 in 2019.
Companion Beam was exalted in Jeshua Chapter No. 207 and greeted in Zabud Council No. 129 on
November 12, 1989. In the Chapter, he served as Excellent High Priest in 2009 and 2012-2014. He is
Grand Representative for the Grand Chapter of New York and served as Grand Master of the Second Veil
in 2017. In the Council, he served as Illustrious Master in 2005, 2011-2014, and 2016-2018. He received
the Order of High Priesthood and the Order of the Silver Trowel in 2013.
Sir Knight Beam was knighted in Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 9 on September 9, 1989. He served as
Eminent Commander in 1995, 2009, and 2018. He is a plural member of Chevalier Commandery No. 21
in Oak Ridge. He received Knight Crusader of the Cross in 1995 and is the Grand Representative of the
Grand Commandery of Montana. He has served as Knight Templar Magazine State Supplement Editor
(now Knight Templar News Editor) since 1999. In 2004 he served as Grand Senior Warden and has
served as District Instructor for the Grand Commandery.
Sir Knight Beam was elected Eminent Grand Captain General in 2019, advancing through the line each
year, and was advanced to Right Eminent Grand Commander in August 2022.
In the Scottish Rite, Bro. Beam received his 32nd Degree in Knoxville Valley on October 29, 1988. He was
active in the Mercy Fund Shoe Program and also served on the Scholarship Committee 2001-2012, being
Chairman 2006-2012. He is a member of the Maundy Thursday and Easter Service cast 1995-present,
Degree Master since 2012; 31st Degree Master 2010-2013; 30th Degree Master 2013-present; 18th Degree
cast since 2010; Wise Master of Chapter of Rose Croix 2008-2011; member of Executive Advisory Council
2008-present; and as General Secretary 2015-present. Bro. Beam was invested Knight Commander of
the Court of Honour (KCCH) on October 9, 1995; coroneted 33rd Degree Inspector General Honorary on
December 6, 2003.
Sir Knight Beam is a member of Frizzell York Rite College, William B. Anderson Council Knight Masons, St.
Mathias Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine, Holy Manger Tabernacle Knight Templar Priests,
Royal Order of Scotland, and is a holder of the Knight York Grand Cross of Honour and Order of the Purple Cross.
He is a Past President of the Knoxville Area York Rite Association and Past President of District 20
Masonic Officers’ Association. He is a member of Tennessee Lodge of Research, Zelmar Grotto, and
Kerbela Shrine, as well as Yellow Dogs, Sword of Bunker Hill, and Masonic Order of the Four Black
Llamas. He is a founding member of the East Tennessee Knights Templar Degree Team.
Sir Knight Beam is a Chapter Advisor for Fountain City Chapter of the Order of DeMolay and a member of the Andrew Jackson Chapter of DeMolay; he is a recipient of the Honorary Legion of Honor. His non-Masonic activities include being a member of Stephen Holston Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution; he is a Kentucky Colonel and honorary member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at the University of Tennessee.

More Light being the object
100 Seventh Avenue North Suite #3
Nashville, TN 37203-3726